A Student & A Dreamer
with a passion for technology love for music and any many more thingsand a burning desire to CREATE!!!

About Me

Born and bred in Dubai, a globally well-known vibrant and modern city. “Student, dreamer with a passion for technology, love for music (& any many more things) and a burning desire to CREATE” – best explains me!

Completed high school from the Gems Modern Academy, Dubai and studied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics and English as my regular curriculum and Computing on my own during free time since it is my passion. Currently, pursuing my undergraduate studies at Virginia Tech, VA, with a major in Computational Modeling and Data Analytics and minor in Computer Science.

Participated and won accolades for inventions in various Science & Technology exhibitions both at the high school and at the national level. Think Science, Manipal University Science Competition and Gems Global Innovation Challenge 2018 are few of them.

Trinity College London Grade 8 certification in Electronic Keyboard, Music Theory and Communication Skills, Grade 3 certification in Rock n Pop Vocals and several awards in the global round and qualifying for the champions round of the World Scholars Cup 2017, Bronze level certification from the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Program are the highlights of some of my non-academic achievements. In addition, active participation in the school level sports events like swimming and football matches, performances at various public platforms like Emirates Literature Festival, leadership positions in the school committees, leading and organizing different events in the school are some of my other noteworthy achievements in the extra-curricular and leadership areas.

Active participation in community service which includes school CAS Program & Pink Drive, training students with Special Needs, volunteering in third party social service initiatives, etc.

Elon Musk is the inspiration and role model; a personal meeting with him would be a dream coming true!




Why does music have so much power over our emotions?

Music like other innumerable art forms is regarded as one of mankind greatest triumphs. But why does music have so much power over us? It’s a question worth asking, since music has increasingly become a part of the modern-day workplace. Music has a strange […]

Travel – In Awe At Home!

Delhi is very well connected – by air, rail and road (last 2 options for domestic travelers only). We flew from Amritsar (our last destination before arriving into Delhi) for a 6 day stay in Delhi and my sister and I were looking forward for our stay in the capital […]

Recipe – Sautéed Fried Brined Jackfruit: Yummy And A Classic Case of Human Adaptation!

Like every other kid, I always looked forward for school vacation times, not only because of the break from the school but also because it was lot of fun to spend time with the grandparents, cousins and the rest of the extended family. My paternal family lives […]

Recipe – Vegetable Cannelloni With A TWIST

Given a choice, I would order Italian food every other day – I just simply love it, although I am a bit nervous about the amount of cheese that is used in some of the Italian dishes! Contrary to the common perception, preparation of Italian dishes vary depending upon […]





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+1 (571) 232-6349

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